Minnesota Top 10 Ag Commodities

Minnesota Agriculture

1. Corn – Minnesota farmers planted 8.2 million acres of corn in 2013 for both grain and silage purposes. The number of cash receipts earned totaled an impressive $8 billion.

2.  Oil crops – Oil crops, including soybeans, flaxseed and canola, brought in $4.3 billion in cash receipts in 2013. These crops are typically processed into oils and may be used for frying, baking or biofuel.

3. Hogs – Hog production in Minnesota experienced a significant increase from $2.29 billion in cash receipts in 2010 to $2.85 billion in 2014. Each market hog provides 371 servings of pork.

4. Milk and dairy products – Dairy farms across the state of Minnesota boast 465,000 head of dairy cows. In 2013, these cows generated $1.84 billion in cash receipts for the sale of milk and other dairy products.

5. Cattle and calves – Meat from a single steer will make about 720 quarter-pound hamburgers. Minnesota’s beef cattle could yield a whopping 252 million hamburgers, based on the $1.67 billion in cash receipts earned in 2013.

6. Poultry and eggs – One large egg supplies 12.6 percent of the daily recommended amount of protein. Poultry and eggs have become a staple in Minnesota agriculture and earned $1.21 billion in 2013.

7. Wheat – Minnesota wheat producers harvested 66.1 million bushels in 2013, which is enough wheat to make 2.98 billion boxes of cereal. This harvest generated $514.46 million in cash receipts.

8. Vegetables and melons – A wide variety of vegetables and melons are produced in Minnesota. From collard greens to honeydew melons, vegetables and melons brought in $432.95 million in cash receipts in 2013.

9. Broilers – Minnesota’s broiler industry raked in $171.98 million in cash receipts in 2013. Americans consume 84 pounds of chicken per capita, the most of any country in the world.

10. Fruits and nuts – Stone fruits, including peaches and cherries, thrive in Minnesota’s climate. The state earned $16 million in cash receipts in 2013 from fruit and nut production.

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