Nebraska Wheat Exports (Infographic)

Nebraska Wheat Infographic

1. Growing and Harvesting – Nebraska farmers grow hard red winter and hard white winter wheat. The state’s producers harvested 53.3 million bushels of wheat in 2012, with as much as 50 percent to be exported.

2. Storage and Inspection – After harvesting, wheat is stored in an elevator or in grain bins on family farms. Wheat to be exported internationally is inspected by the Federal Grain Inspection Service.

3. Transportation – Most Nebraska-grown wheat is transported by train or barge to a port. Major ports are located in the Pacific Northwest, the Great Lakes Region and the Gulf of Mexico.

4. Global Transport – Nebraska exports wheat internationally to countries like Taiwan, South Korea, Colombia, Panama and the largest importer of U.S. hard red winter wheat, Nigeria.

5. Milling and Products – Wheat is milled and then used in a variety of products, including food, cosmetics, paper, pet food, soap, shampoo, insulation, trash bags and particle board.


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